Polynomial time guarantees for the Burer-Monteiro method

The Burer-Monteiro method is one of the most widely used techniques for solving large-scale semidefinite programs (SDP). The basic idea is to solve a nonconvex program in $Y$, where $Y$ is an $n \times p$ matrix such that $X = Y Y^T$. In this paper, we show that this method can solve SDPs in polynomial … Read more

On Subadditive Duality for Conic Mixed-Integer Programs

In this paper, we show that the subadditive dual of a feasible conic mixed-integer program (MIP) is a strong dual whenever it is feasible. Moreover, we show that this dual feasibility condition is equivalent to feasibility of the conic dual of the continuous relaxation of the conic MIP. In addition, we prove that all known … Read more

On Maximal S-free Convex Sets

Let S be a subset of integer points that satisfy the property that $conv(S) \cap Z^n = S$. Then a convex set K is called an S-free convex set if $int(K) \cap S = \emptyset$. A maximal S-free convex set is an S-free convex set that is not properly contained in any S-free convex set. … Read more

Some Properties of Convex Hulls of Integer Points Contained in General Convex Sets

In this paper, we study properties of general closed convex sets that determine the closed-ness and polyhedrality of the convex hull of integer points contained in it. We first present necessary and sufficient conditions for the convex hull of integer points contained in a general convex set to be closed. This leads to useful results … Read more

Closedness of Integer Hulls of Simple Conic Sets

Let $C$ be a full-dimensional pointed closed convex cone in $R^m$ obtained by taking the conic hull of a strictly convex set. Given $A \in Q^{m \times n_1}$, $B \in Q^{m \times n_2}$ and $b \in Q^m$, a simple conic mixed-integer set (SCMIS) is a set of the form $\{(x,y)\in Z^{n_1} \times R^{n_2}\,|\,\ Ax +By … Read more

Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programs

We present a framework for obtaining Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes (FPTASs) for stochastic univariate dynamic programs with either convex or monotone single-period cost functions. This framework is developed through the establishment of two sets of computational rules, namely the Calculus of K-approximation Functions and the Calculus of K-approximation Sets. Using our framework, we provide … Read more

New Benchmark Instances for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

The recent research on the CVRP is being slowed down by the lack of a good set of benchmark instances. The existing sets suff er from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) became too easy for current algorithms; (ii) are too arti cial; (iii) are too homogeneous, not covering the wide range of characteristics found … Read more

A Fast and Robust Algorithm for Solving Biobjective Mixed Integer Programs

We present a fast and robust algorithm for solving biobjective mixed integer programs. The algorithm extends and merges ideas from two existing methods: the Boxed Line Method and the epsilon-Tabu Method. We demonstrate its efficacy in an extensive computational study. We also demonstrate that it is capable of producing a high-quality approximation of the nondominated … Read more

Comparative Analysis of Capacitated Arc Routing Formulations for Branch-Cut-and-Price Algorithms

The current best exact algorithms for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem are based on the combination of cut and column generation. This work presents a deep theoretical investigation of the formulations behind those algorithms, classifying them and pointing similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages. In particular, we discuss which families of cuts and branching strategies … Read more

A Criterion Space Search Algorithm for Biobjective Mixed Integer Programming: the Boxed Line Method

Despite recent interest in multiobjective integer programming, few algorithms exist for solving biobjective mixed integer programs. We present such an algorithm: the Boxed Line Method. For one of its variants, we prove that the number of single-objective integer programs solved is bounded by a linear function of the number of nondominated line segments in the … Read more