
Instructions for most tasks can be found here. If you have additional question, you can contact us using the link at the bottom of this page.


Create an Account
If you never submitted an Eprint and don’t yet have an account, visit the Registration page. If you had Eprints submitted in the past, check here to see if an account was created for you.
Log In
If you have an account, log in by using the “Log in” link on the left or “My Eprints” link on the top.

Change Your Password
To change your password, go to the login page and select “Lost your password?”. The system will email you with a link to update your password.


Submit an Eprint
An overview on submission policies is available on the Submit page. Once you have an account, are logged in, and follow the link to Submit a new Eprint on the Submit page. There are 7 areas on the page to work on.

  1. Title
    Note: Do not use all capital letters.
  2. Abstract
    Note: if you want to incorporate latex, add \(\) to the top of your abstract like this:

    Math text looks like \(log(x)\).

    This results in:
    \(\) Math text looks like \(log(x)\).

  3. Citation, PDF, and Feedback
    Many Eprints will not have a citation at first. This can be added afterward. However, all submitted Eprints must have an attached PDF.
  4. Authors
    By default, you are the only author of a submitted paper. Each co-author must be registered on this site to be listed included. Once your co-authors are registered, start typing their email addresses or name into “Search for an author”. It will try to autocomplete your entry. Email addresses are the easiest to find with the fewest duplicate suggestions. You can add authors later if your co-authors do not have an account yet.
  5. Categories
    All Eprints must be in at least one category. See all categories in an easier to read format here.
  6. Keywords
  7. Save or Submit for approval
    The primary author will receive an email on submission and again once the submission is approved or rejected. Co-authors are not automatically notified.
Find Eprint Status
You will be sent an email once you submit your Eprint. You can either follow the link in your email to your submission or view all of your Eprints to see their statuses.
Edit or Remove an Eprint or PDF
Once you are logged in, either:

  1. View your EPrint and follow the “Edit EPrint” link on the top navigation bar.
  2. View all of your Eprints and select the one you want to edit.

Within the Edit screen, “Move to Trash” and “Update” are available in the “Publish” element.

To remove an EPrint if “Move to Trash” is not visible, change the status to “Draft”. Published EPrints hide the ‘Move to Trash’ option.

You are able to edit each field including categories and keywords. You’re also able to replace or remove your PDF. If there is a PDF you’d like to delete from the site, you must be the person who uploaded it. Visit Media to see and manage your PDFs. If you need help to delete a PDF that doesn’t appear in your Media Library, contact us using the form below.

Recover an Eprint
You will receive emails whenever your EPrint has been rejected or removed. To restore and edit them, view all “Trashed” Eprints, hover your mouse over the EPrint, and select “Restore”. The EPrint will reappear in your list of EPrints. If you would rather permanently remove it, that option is also located here.

Note: EPrints in the trash longer than a week may be permanently removed.

Approve an Eprint (Coordinators)
You will receive emails whenever there are Eprints to approve. To work on them, select the links within your email, view the Dashboard, or view all Eprints. Eprints submitted for approval are marked “— Pending”. Once you’re in the editing screen, you can modify, approve, or reject.

  • To approve the EPrint:
    • Verify the following:
      • Click on the permalink directly under the title to see the full submission with formatting.
      • The title should not be in ALL CAPS. This messes up the uniform look of our pages and digests.
      • The EPrint should not be obviously crazy or wrong (e.g. P=NP papers). But otherwise, be fairly permissive and generous with accepts.
      • The EPrint has not already appeared. If the author gives a journal, volume number, page number, etc, the work is deemed to have appeared and you should reject it.
    • Select Publish.
  • To reject:
    • Put feedback into the Feedback field.
    • Select Save as Pending. If you do not save your feedback, it will not be included in the rejection email.
    • Select Move to Trash.

Additional Help

Optimization Resources
NEOS Guide Optimization Resources provides links to societies, journals, e-print sites, and general optimization websites.
Learn More About WordPress
The Beginner’s Guide for WordPress provides tips, tricks, and resources.
Navigate the Dashboard

Inside the Dashboard

Once you log in, you’re redirected to the WordPress Dashboard (see below). WordPress’s navigation is on the left and links to Eprints and Media (PDFs). There is also a quick link dashboard to the Frontpage, submit or edit your articles, and additional help.

Find the Dashboard

If you navigate to the Frontpage and want to return to the Dashboard, follow either the link to “My Eprints” in the menu or the “Optimization Online” link in the upper left.

Contact Us
If you need to reclaim your account, merge accounts, claim a publication, or have any other problems, please fill out the form below. Provide specific URLs and email addresses where possible.