Bi-Parameterized Two-Stage Stochastic Min-Max and Min-Min Mixed Integer Programs

We introduce two-stage stochastic min-max and min-min integer programs with bi-parameterized recourse (BTSPs), where the first-stage decisions affect both the objective function and the feasible region of the second-stage problem. To solve these programs efficiently, we introduce Lagrangian-integrated L-shaped (\(L^2\)) methods, which guarantee exact solutions when the first-stage decisions are pure binary. For mixed-binary first-stage … Read more

Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization: Intuitive Understanding and Algorithm Development from the Primal Perspective

In this paper, we study the two-stage distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problem from the primal perspective. Unlike existing approaches, this perspective allows us to build a deeper and more intuitive understanding on DRO, to leverage classical and well established solution methods and to develop a general and fast decomposition algorithm (and its variants), and to … Read more

Effective Scenarios in Distributionally Robust Optimization with Wasserstein Distance

This paper studies effective scenarios in Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) problems defined on a finite number of realizations (also called scenarios) of the uncertain parameters. Effective scenarios are critical scenarios in DRO in the sense that their removal from the support of the considered distributions alters the optimal value. Ineffective scenarios are those whose removal … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization

Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) studies decision problems under uncertainty where the probability distribution governing the uncertain problem parameters is itself uncertain. A key component of any DRO model is its ambiguity set, that is, a family of probability distributions consistent with any available structural or statistical information. DRO seeks decisions that perform best under the … Read more

On the Trade-Off Between Distributional Belief and Ambiguity: Conservatism, Finite-Sample Guarantees, and Asymptotic Properties

We propose and analyze a new data-driven trade-off (TRO) approach for modeling uncertainty that serves as a middle ground between the optimistic approach, which adopts a distributional belief, and the pessimistic distributionally robust optimization approach, which hedges against distributional ambiguity. We equip the TRO model with a TRO ambiguity set characterized by a size parameter … Read more

Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization with Heterogeneous Data Sources

We study decision problems under uncertainty, where the decision-maker has access to K data sources that carry biased information about the underlying risk factors. The biases are measured by the mismatch between the risk factor distribution and the K data-generating distributions with respect to an optimal transport (OT) distance. In this situation the decision-maker can … Read more

A Decomposition Algorithm for Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Programs with Polyhedral Ambiguity Set

In this paper, we study a distributionally robust optimization approach to chance-constrained stochastic programs to hedge against uncertainty in the distributions of the random parameters. We consider a general polyhedral ambiguity set under finite support and study Wasserstein ambiguity set, total variation distance ambiguity set, and moment-based ambiguity set as examples for our computations. We … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization with Decision-Dependent Polyhedral Ambiguity

We consider a two-stage stochastic program with continuous recourse, where the distribution of the random parameters depends on the decisions. Assuming a finite sample space, we study a distributionally robust approach to this problem, where the decision-dependent distributional ambiguity is modeled with a polyhedral ambiguity set. We consider cases where the recourse function and the … Read more

Robust Drone Delivery with Weather Information

Problem definition: Drone delivery has recently garnered significant attention due to its potential for faster delivery at a lower cost than other delivery options. When scheduling drones from a depot for delivery to various destinations, the dispatcher must take into account the uncertain wind conditions, which affect the delivery times of drones to their destinations, … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization with Decision-Dependent Information Discovery

We study two-stage distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems with decision-dependent information discovery (DDID) wherein (a portion of) the uncertain parameters are revealed only if an (often costly) investment is made in the first stage. This class of problems finds many important applications in selection problems (e.g., in hiring, project portfolio optimization, or optimal sensor location). … Read more