Horoballs and the subgradient method

To explore convex optimization on Hadamard spaces, we consider an iteration in the style of a subgradient algorithm. Traditionally, such methods assume that the underlying spaces are manifolds and that the objectives are geodesically convex: the methods are described using tangent spaces and exponential maps. By contrast, our iteration applies in a general Hadamard space, … Read more

The Balanced Facility Location Problem: Complexity and Heuristics

In a recent work, Schmitt and Singh propose a new quadratic facility location model to address ecological challenges faced by policymakers in Bavaria, Germany. Building on this previous work, we significantly extend our understanding of this new problem. We develop connections to traditional combinatorial optimization models and show the problem is NP-hard. We then develop … Read more

Mind the \(\tilde{O}\): asymptotically better, but still impractical, quantum distributed algorithms

\(\) The CONGEST and CONGEST-CLIQUE models have been carefully studied to represent situations where the communication bandwidth between processors in a network is severely limited. Messages of only \( O(log(n)) \) bits of information each may be sent between processors in each round. The quantum versions of these models allow the processors instead to communicate … Read more

On the Number of Pivots of Dantzig’s Simplex Methods for Linear and Convex Quadratic Programs

Refining and extending works by Ye and Kitahara-Mizuno, this paper presents new results on the number of pivots of simplex-type methods for solving linear programs of the Leontief kind, certain linear complementarity problems of the P kind, and nonnegative constrained convex quadratic programs. Our results contribute to the further understanding of the complexity and efficiency … Read more

The complexity of first-order optimization methods from a metric perspective

A central tool for understanding first-order optimization algorithms is the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz inequality. Standard approaches to such methods rely crucially on this inequality to leverage sufficient decrease conditions involving gradients or subgradients. However, the KL property fundamentally concerns not subgradients but rather “slope”, a purely metric notion. By highlighting this view, and avoiding any use of … Read more

A New Inexact Proximal Linear Algorithm with Adaptive Stopping Criteria for Robust Phase Retrieval

This paper considers the robust phase retrieval problem, which can be cast as a nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problem. We propose a new inexact proximal linear algorithm with the subproblem being solved inexactly. Our contributions are two adaptive stopping criteria for the subproblem. The convergence behavior of the proposed methods is analyzed. Through experiments on … Read more

On the B-differential of the componentwise minimum of two affine vector functions

This paper focuses on the description and computation of the B-differential of the componentwise minimum of two affine vector functions. This issue arises in the reformulation of the linear complementarity problem with the Min C-function. The question has many equivalent formulations and we identify some of them in linear algebra, convex analysis and discrete geometry. … Read more

Multithread Interval Scheduling with Flexible Machine Availabilities: Complexity and Efficient Algorithms

In the known Interval Scheduling problem with Machine Availabilities (ISMA), each machine has a contiguous availability interval and each job has a specic time interval which has to be scheduled. The objective is to schedule all jobs such that the machines’ availability intervals are respected or to decide that there exists no such schedule. We … Read more

An improvement of the Goldstein line search

This paper introduces CLS, a new line search along an arbitrary smooth search path, that starts at the current iterate tangentially to a descent direction. Like the Goldstein line search and unlike the Wolfe line search, the new line search uses, beyond the gradient at the current iterate, only function values. Using this line search … Read more

The cost of nonconvexity in deterministic nonsmooth optimization

\(\) We study the impact of nonconvexity on the complexity of nonsmooth optimization, emphasizing objectives such as piecewise linear functions, which may not be weakly convex. We focus on a dimension-independent analysis, slightly modifying a black-box algorithm of Zhang et al. that approximates an $\epsilon$-stationary point of any directionally differentiable Lipschitz objective using $O(\epsilon^{-4})$ calls … Read more