Equity-promoting Integer Programming Approaches For Medical Resident Rotation Scheduling

Motivated by our collaboration with a residency program at an academic health system, we propose new integer programming (IP) approaches for the resident-to-rotation assignment problem (RRAP). Given sets of residents, resident classes, and departments, as well as a block structure for each class, staffing needs, rotation requirements for each class, program rules, and resident vacation … Read more

Global Optimization of Non-Linear Systems of Equations by Simulating the Flight of a Projectile in the Conformational Space

A new heuristic optimization algorithm is presented based on an analogy with the physical phenomenon of a projectile launched in a conformational space under the influence of a gravitational force. Its implementation simplicity and the option to enhance it with local search methods make it ideal for the optimization of non-linear systems of equations. The … Read more

Robustness Analysis for Adaptive Optimization With Application to Industrial Decarbonization in the Netherlands

Robustness analysis assesses the performance of a particular solution under variation in the input data. This is distinct from sensitivity analysis, which assesses how variation in the input data changes a model’s optimal solution. For risk assessment purposes, robustness analysis has more practical value than sensitivity analysis. This is because sensitivity analysis, when applied to … Read more

ROBIST: Robust Optimization by Iterative Scenario Sampling and Statistical Testing

In this paper, we propose ROBIST, a simple, yet effective, data-driven algorithm for optimization under parametric uncertainty. The algorithm first generates solutions in an iterative manner by sampling and optimizing over a relatively small set of scenarios. Then, using statistical testing, the robustness of the solutions is evaluated, which can be done with a much … Read more

A robust approach to food aid supply chains

One of the great challenges in reaching zero hunger is to secure the availability of sufficient nourishment in the worst of times such as humanitarian emergencies. Food aid operations during a humanitarian emergency are typically subject to a high level of uncertainty. In this paper, we develop a novel robust optimization model for food aid … Read more

Evaluation of Political Redistricting in Japan by Optimization and Enumeration

The political/electoral districting problem for the single-seat constituency system is a problem of decomposing a graph into connected components of a given number of seats under several conditions and objectives. We evaluate and analyze the current division of single-seat constituencies for the House of Representatives using optimization and enumeration. The objective function is to minimize … Read more

Deep learning and hyperparameter optimization for assessing one’s eligibility for a subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator

In cardiology, it is standard for patients suffering from ventricular arrhythmias (the leading cause of sudden cardiac death) belonging to high risk populations to be treated using Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (S-ICDs). S-ICDs carry a risk of so-called T Wave Over Sensing (TWOS), which can lead to inappropriate shocks with an inherent health risk. For this … Read more

Source Detection on Graphs

Spreading processes on networks (graphs) have become ubiquitous in modern society with prominent examples such as infections, rumors, excitations, contaminations, or disturbances. Finding the source of such processes based on observations is important and difficult. We abstract the problem mathematically as an optimization problem on graphs. For the deterministic setting we make connections to the … Read more

Generalizations of doubly nonnegative cones and their comparison

In this study, we examine the various extensions of the doubly nonnegative (DNN) cone, frequently used in completely positive programming (CPP) to achieve a tighter relaxation than the positive semidefinite cone. To provide tighter relaxation for generalized CPP (GCPP) than the positive semidefinite cone, inner-approximation hierarchies of the generalized copositive cone are exploited to obtain … Read more

Personal Shopper Systems in Last-Mile Logistics

This paper explores the logistics operations of instant grocery delivery services. We specifically concentrate on two widely adopted strategies: Personal Shopper Systems (PSS) and Inventory Owned Delivery Systems (IOD). In the PSS, couriers visit affiliated brick and mortar stores in the delivery area to pick and purchase ordered products and deliver them to customers. Whereas … Read more