We study the multidimensional knapsack problem, present some theoretical and empirical results about its structure, and evaluate different Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based, metaheuristic, and collaborative approaches for it. We start by considering the distances between optimal solutions to the LP-relaxation and the original problem and then introduce a new core concept for the MKP, which we study extensively. The empirical analysis is then used to develop new concepts for solving the MKP using ILP-based and memetic algorithms. Different collaborative combinations of the presented methods are discussed and evaluated. Further computational experiments with longer run-times are also performed in order to compare the solutions of our approaches to the best known solutions of another so far leading approach for common MKP benchmark instances. The extensive computational experiments show the eectiveness of the proposed methods, which yield highly competitive results in signicantly shorter run-times than previously described approaches.
accepted for publication in: INFORMS Journal on Computing.