The convergence behavior of gradient methods for minimizing convex differentiable functions is one of the core questions in convex optimization. This paper shows that their well-known complexities can be achieved under conditions weaker than the commonly assumed ones. We relax the common gradient Lipschitz-continuity condition and strong convexity condition to ones that hold only over certain line segments. Specifically, we establish complexities O(R/eps) and O(sqrt{R/eps}) for the ordinary and accelerate gradient methods, respectively, assuming that grad_f is Lipschitz continuous with constant $R$ over the line segment joining x and x-grad_f/R for each x in the domain of f. Then we improve them to O((R/nu) log(1/eps)) and O(sqrt{R/nu} log(1/eps)) for function f that also satisfies the secant inequality
Rice CAAM Tech Report TR13-04