Two-stage stochastic days-off scheduling of multi-skilled analysts with training options

Motivated by a cybersecurity application, this paper studies a two-stage, stochastic days-off scheduling problem with 1) many types of jobs that require specialized training, 2) many multi-skilled analysts, 3) the ability to shape analyst skill sets through training decisions, and 4) a large number of possible future demand scenarios. We provide a integer linear program … Read more

A Two-Stage Stochastic Program for Multi-shift, Multi-analyst, Workforce Optimization with Multiple On Call Options

Motivated by a cybersecurity workforce optimization problem, this paper investigates optimizing staffing and shift scheduling decisions given unknown demand and multiple on call staffing options at a 24/7 firm with three shifts per day, three analyst types, and several staffing and scheduling constraints. We model this problem as a two-stage stochastic program and solve it … Read more