A multi-stage stochastic integer programming approach for a multi-echelon lot-sizing problem with returns and lost sales

We consider an uncapacitated multi-item multi-echelon lot-sizing problem within a remanufacturing system involving three production echelons: disassembly, refurbishing and reassembly. We seek to plan the production activities on this system over a multi-period horizon. We consider a stochastic environment, in which the input data of the optimization problem are subject to uncertainty. We propose a multi-stage stochastic integer programming approach relying on scenario trees to represent the uncertain information structure and develop a Branch-and-Cut algorithm in order to solve the resulting mixed-integer linear program to optimality. This algorithm relies on a new set of tree inequalities obtained by combining valid inequalities previously known for each individual scenario of the scenario tree. These inequalities are used within a cutting-plane generation procedure based on a heuristic resolution of the corresponding separation problem. Computational experiments carried out on randomly generated instances show that the proposed Branch-and-Cut algorithm performs well as compared to the use of a stand-alone mathematical solver. Finally, rolling horizon simulations are carried out to assess the practical performance of the stochastic planning model with respect to the deterministic model.


