A Heuristic for the Traveling Salesperson Problem with Forbidden Neighborhoods on Regular 2D and 3D Grids

We examine an extension of the Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP), the so called TSP with Forbidden Neighborhoods (TSPFN). The TSPFN is asking for a shortest Hamiltonian cycle of a given graph, where vertices traversed successively have a distance larger than a given radius. This problem is motivated by an application in mechanical engineering, more precisely in laser beam melting. This paper discusses a heuristic for solving the TSPFN when there don’t exist closed-form solutions and exact approaches fail. The underlying concept is based on Warnsdorff’s Rule but allows arbitrary step sizes and produces a Hamiltonian cycle instead of a Hamiltonian path. We implemented the heuristic and conducted a computational study for various neighborhoods. In particular the heuristic is able to find high quality TSPFN tours on 2D and 3D grids, i.e., it produces optimum and near-optimum solutions and shows a very good scalability also for large instances.


TR-AAUK-M-O-18-09-10, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Mathematics, Optimization Group, September 2018



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