Transmission switching has been previously shown to offer significant benefits to power system operation, such as cost savings and the reduction of power imbalance levels. Within the context of co-optimized electricity markets for energy and reserves, this paper addresses the incorporation of transmission switching in the contingency-constrained unit commitment problem. The proposed generation scheduling model differs from existing formulations due to the joint consideration of three major complicating factors. First, transmission switching actions are considered both in the pre- and post-contingency states, thereby requiring binary post-contingency variables. Secondly, generation scheduling and transmission switching actions are co-optimized. In addition, the time-coupled operation of generating units is precisely characterized. The proposed model is cast as a challenging mixed-integer program for which the off-the-shelf software customarily used for simpler models may lead to intractability even for moderately-sized instances. In order to circumvent this computational issue, this paper presents an enhanced and novel application of an exact nested column-and-constraint generation algorithm featuring the inclusion of valid constraints to improve the overall computational performance. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effective performance of the proposed approach as well as its economic and operational advantages over existing models disregarding post-contingency transmission switching.
Published in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: