Managing Distributional Ambiguity in Stochastic Optimization through a Statistical Upper Bound Framework

Stochastic optimization is often hampered by distributional ambiguity, where critical probability distributions are poorly characterized or unknown. Addressing this challenge, we introduce a new framework that targets the minimization of a statistical upper bound for the expected value of uncertain objectives, facilitating more statistically robust decision-making. Central to our approach is the Average Percentile Upper Bound (APUB), a novel construct that simultaneously delivers a statistically rigorous upper bound for the population mean and a meaningful risk metric for the sample mean. The integration of APUB into stochastic optimization not only fortifies the process against distributional ambiguity but also reinforces key data-driven decision-making attributes, such as reliability, consistency, and comprehensibility. Notably, APUB-enriched optimization problems feature tractability, with particular advantages in two-stage stochastic optimization with random recourse. Empirical demonstrations on two-stage product mix and multi-product newsvendor benchmark problems reveal the benefit of the APUB optimization framework, in comparison with conventional techniques such as sample average approximation and distributionally robust optimization.



View Managing Distributional Ambiguity in Stochastic Optimization through a Statistical Upper Bound Framework