Sensitivity analysis for linear changes of the constraint matrix of a linear program

Understanding the variation of the optimal value with respect to change in the data is an old problem of mathematical optimisation. This paper focuses on the linear problem f(λ) = min ctx such that (A+λD)x ≤ b, where λ is an unknown parameter that varies within an interval and D is a matrix modifying the … Read more

Adaptive Algorithms for Robust Phase Retrieval

This paper considers the robust phase retrieval, which can be cast as a nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problem. We propose two first-order algorithms with adaptive step sizes: the subgradient algorithm (AdaSubGrad) and the inexact proximal linear algorithm (AdaIPL). Our contribution lies in the novel design of adaptive step sizes based on quantiles of the absolute … Read more

How Many Policies Do We Need in K-Adaptability for Two-stage Robust Integer Optimization?

In the realm of robust optimization the k-adaptability approach is one promising method to derive approximate solutions for two-stage robust optimization problems. Instead of allowing all possible second-stage decisions, the k-adaptability approach aims at calculating a limited set of k such decisions already in the first-stage before the uncertainty reveals. The parameter k can be … Read more

Robust Appointment Scheduling for General Convex Uncertainty Sets

The Appointment Scheduling Problem (ASP) involves scheduling a finite number of customers with uncertain service times, served consecutively by a single server, aiming to minimize the weighted costs of waiting time, idle time, and overtime. Previous studies using stochastic programming were limited to small instances. We introduce a Robust Optimization (RO) approach that considers service … Read more

Complexity of the Directed Robust b-matching Problem and its Variants on Different Graph Classes

The b-matching problem is a well-known generalization of the classical matching problem with various applications in operations research and computer science. Given an undirected graph, each vertex v has a capacity b(v), indicating the maximum number of times it can be matched, while edges can also be used multiple times. The problem is solvable in … Read more

Robust combinatorial optimization problems with knapsack constraints under interdiction uncertainty

We present an algorithm for finding near-optimal solutions to robust combinatorial optimization problems with knapsack constraints under interdiction uncertainty. We incorporate a heuristic for generating feasible solutions in a standard row generation approach. Experimental results are presented for set covering, simple plant location, and min-knapsack problems under a discrete-budgeted interdiction uncertainty set introduced in this … Read more

Combinatorial Robust Optimization with Decision-Dependent Information Discovery and Polyhedral Uncertainty

Given a nominal combinatorial optimization problem, we consider a robust two-stages variant with polyhedral cost uncertainty, called Decision-Dependent Information Discovery (DDID). In the first stage, DDID selects a subset of uncertain cost coefficients to be observed, and in the second-stage, DDID selects a solution to the nominal problem, where the remaining cost coefficients are still … Read more

The Blessing of Strategic Customers in Personalized Pricing

We consider a feature-based personalized pricing problem in which the buyer is strategic: given the seller’s pricing policy, the buyer can augment the features that they reveal to the seller to obtain a low price for the product. We model the seller’s pricing problem as a stochastic program over an infinite-dimensional space of pricing policies … Read more

On the Trade-Off Between Distributional Belief and Ambiguity: Conservatism, Finite-Sample Guarantees, and Asymptotic Properties

We propose and analyze a new data-driven trade-off (TRO) approach for modeling uncertainty that serves as a middle ground between the optimistic approach, which adopts a distributional belief, and the pessimistic distributionally robust optimization approach, which hedges against distributional ambiguity. We equip the TRO model with a TRO ambiguity set characterized by a size parameter … Read more

An exact method for a class of robust nonlinear optimization problems

We introduce a novel exact approach for addressing a broad spectrum of optimization problems with robust nonlinear constraints. These constraints are defined as sums of products of linear times concave (SLC) functions with respect to the uncertain parameters. Our approach synergizes a cutting set method with reformulation-perspectification techniques and branch and bound. We further extend … Read more