A Persistency Model and Its Applications in Choice Modeling

Given a discrete optimization problem $Z(\mb{\tilde{c}})=\max\{\mb{\tilde{c}}’\mb{x}:\mb{x}\in \mathcal{X}\}$, with objective coefficients $\mb{\tilde{c}}$ chosen randomly from a distribution ${\mathcal{\theta}}$, we would like to evaluate the expected value $E_\theta(Z(\mb{\tilde{c}}))$ and the probability $P_{\mathcal{\theta}}(x^*_i(\mb{\tilde{c}})=k)$ where $x^*(\mb{\tilde{c}})$ is an optimal solution to $Z(\mb{\tilde{c}})$. We call this the persistency problem for a discrete optimization problem under uncertain objective, and $P_{\mathcal{\theta}}(x^*_i(\mb{\tilde{c}})=k)$, the … Read more