Rigorous enclosures of ellipsoids and directed Cholesky factorizations

This paper discusses the rigorous enclosure of an ellipsoid by a rectangular box, its interval hull, providing a convenient preprocessing step for constrained optimization problems. A quadratic inequality constraint with a positive definite Hessian defines an ellipsoid. The Cholesky factorization can be used to transform a strictly convex quadratic constraint into a norm inequality, for … Read more

Reduction Tests for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Problem

The Prize-Collecting Steiner Problem (PCSP) is a generalization of the classical Steiner Problem in Graphs (SPG) where instead of terminal vertices that must be necessarily connected, one have profits associated to the vertices that must be balanced against the connection costs. This problem is gaining much attention in the last years due to its practical … Read more

Preprocessing sparse semidefinite programs via matrix completion

Considering that preprocessing is an important phase in linear programming, it should be systematically more incorporated in semidefinite programming solvers. The conversion method proposed by the authors (SIAM Journal on Optimization, vol.~11, pp.~647–674, 2000, and Mathematical Programming, Series B, vol.~95, pp.~303–327, 2003) is a preprocessing of sparse semidefinite programs based on matrix completion. This article … Read more