This article presents the Multiple Objective Spanning Trees repository – MOST – Project. As the name suggests, the MOST Project intends to maintain a repository of tests for the MOST related problems, mainly addressing real-life situations. MOST is motivated by the scarcity of repositories for the problems in the referred field. This entails difficulty in test and classify the proposed algorithms based on their performance. At present, the problems are expressed as networks classified according to their intrinsic properties, namely nodes, edges, and weights. Different generators were developed, which upon combinations, allow a large number of problems with distinct features like, large sets of solutions, concave fronts, and fronts with gaps. This repository is open to the general participation of the interested communities, mainly in terms of original contributions, approximation improvements, and problem variations (besides the unconstrained cases). MOST Project can be found at
Report:xx; University of Algarve, Portugal; 12/2007