A Coordinate Gradient Descent Method for L_1-regularized Convex Minimization

In applications such as signal processing and statistics, many problems involve finding sparse solutions to under-determined linear systems of equations. These problems can be formulated as a structured nonsmooth optimization problems, i.e., the problem of minimizing L_1-regularized linear least squares problems. In this paper, we propose a block coordinate gradient descent method (abbreviated as CGD) to solve the more general L_1-regularized convex minimization problems, i.e., the problem of minimizing an L_1-regularized convex smooth function. We establish a Q-linear convergence rate for our method when the coordinate block is chosen by a Gauss-Southwell-type rule to ensure sufficient descent. We propose efficient implementations of the CGD method and report numerical results for solving large-scale L_1-regularized linear least squares problems arising in compressed sensing and image deconvolution as well as large-scale L_1-regularized logistic regression problems for feature selection in data classification. Comparison with several state-of-the-art algorithms specifically designed for solving large-scale L_1-regularized linear least squares or logistic regression problems suggests that an efficiently implemented CGD method may outperform these algorithms despite the fact that the CGD method is not specifically designed just to solve these special classes of problems.


Pacific J. Optimization, 6 (2010), pp. 615--640.



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