A Decision Tool based on a Multi-Objective Methodology for designing High-Pressure Thermal Treatments in Food Industry

In this work, we propose a methodology for designing High-Pressure Thermal processes for food treatment. This approach is based on a multi-objective preference-based evolutionary optimization algorithm, called WASF-GA, combined with a decision strategy which provides the food engineer with the best treatment in accordance with some quality requirements. The resulting method is compared to a mono-objective optimization algorithm called MLS-GA. To do so, we consider several particular mono-objective and multi-objective optimization problems. Then, considering those cases, we determine an adequate set of parameters for the WASF-GA and the MLS-GA algorithms in order to obtain a reasonable compromise between solution quality and computational time. Next, we compare the results obtained by the WASF-GA and MLS-GA. Additionally, the best solutions returned by the WASF-GA are analyzed from a food engineering point of view. Finally, a sensitivity analysis regarding the impact of design parameters on the performances of those solutions is performed.


Miriam R. Ferrández, Juana L. Redondo, Benjamin Ivorra, Ángel M. Ramos, Pilar M. Ortigosa. A Decision Tool based on a Multi-Objective Methodology for designing High-Pressure Thermal Treatments in Food Industry. Preprint version. September, 2017.



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