Multicommodity capacitated network design (MCND) models can be used to optimize the consolidation of shipments within e-commerce fulfillment networks. In practice, fulfillment networks require that shipments with the same origin and destination follow the same transfer path. This unsplittable flow requirement complicates the MCND problem, requiring integer programming (IP) formulations with binary variables replacing continuous flow variables. To enhance the solvability of instances of this variant of the MCND problem for large-scale logistics networks, this work focuses on strengthening dual bounds. We investigate the polyhedra of arc-set relaxations, and we introduce two new classes of valid inequalities that can be implemented within solution approaches. We develop one approach that dynamically adds valid inequalities to the root node of a reformulation of the MCND IP with additional valid metric inequalities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our ideas with a comprehensive computational study using path-based fulfillment instances, constructed from data provided by a large U.S.-based e-commerce company, and the well-known arc-based Canad instances. Experiments show that our best solution approach for a practical path-based model reduces the IP gap by an average of 26.5% and 22.5% for the two largest instance groups, compared to solving the reformulation alone, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving the dual bound. In addition, experiments using only the arc-based relaxation of the model highlight the strength of our new valid inequalities when compared only to the linear programming relaxation (LPR), resulting in an average 90% reduction in the IP gap.