Strengthening Dual Bounds for Multicommodity Capacitated Network Design with Unsplittable Flow Constraints

Multicommodity capacitated network design (MCND) models can be used to optimize the consolidation of shipments within e-commerce fulfillment networks. In practice, fulfillment networks require that shipments with the same origin and destination follow the same transfer path. This unsplittable flow requirement complicates the MCND problem, requiring integer programming (IP) formulations with binary variables replacing continuous … Read more

Integrating Order-to-Delivery Time Sensitivity in E-Commerce Middle-Mile Consolidation Network Design

This paper proposes an approach that leverages data on customer purchasing sensitivity to quoted order-to-delivery times (ODTs) when designing middle-mile consolidation networks to maximize the profit of e-commerce retailers. Our approach integrates quoted ODT-dependent sales volume predictions into a new mixed-integer program (MIP) that simultaneously determines ODT quotes and a consolidation plan, characterized by the … Read more

Lead-Time-Constrained Middle-Mile Consolidation Network Design with Fixed Origins and Destinations

Many large e-commerce retailers move sufficient freight volumes to operate private middle-mile consolidation networks for order fulfillment, transporting customer shipments from stocking locations to last-mile delivery partners in consolidated loads to reduce freight costs. We study a middle-mile network design optimization problem with fixed origins and destinations to build load consolidation plans that minimize cost … Read more