Regularized empirical risk minimization problems arise in a variety of applications, including machine learning, signal processing, and image processing. Proximal stochastic gradient algorithms are a standard approach to solve these problems due to their low computational cost per iteration and a relatively simple implementation. This paper introduces a class of proximal stochastic gradient methods built on three key elements: a variable metric underlying the iterations, a stochastic line search governing the decrease properties and an incremental mini-batch size technique based on additional sampling. Convergence results for the proposed algorithms are proved under different hypotheses on the function to minimize. No assumption is required regarding the Lipschitz continuity of the gradient of the differentiable part of the objective function. Possible strategies to automatically select the parameters of the suggested scheme are discussed. Numerical experiments on binary classification problems show the effectiveness of the suggested approach compared to other state-of-the-art proximal stochastic gradient methods.