Tight and Compact MIP Formulation of Configuration-Based Combined-Cycle Units

Private investors, flexibility, efficiency and environmental requirements from deregulated markets have led the existence and building of a significant number of combined-cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) in many power systems. These plants represent a complicated optimization problem for the short-term planning unit commitment (UC) carried out by independent system operators due to their multiple operating configurations. … Read more

A Tight MIP Formulation of the Unit Commitment Problem with Start-up and Shut-down Constraints

This paper provides the convex hull description for the following basic operating constraints of a single power generation unit in Unit Commitment (UC) problems: 1) generation limits, 2) startup and shutdown capabilities, and 3) minimum up and down times. Although the model does not consider some crucial constraints, such as ramping, the proposed constraints can … Read more

Power-Capacity and Ramp-Capability Reserves for Wind Integration in Power-Based UC

This paper proposes a power-based network-constrained unit commitment (UC) model as an alternative to the traditional deterministic UCs to deal with wind generation uncertainty. The formulation draws a clear distinction between power-capacity and ramp-capability reserves to deal with wind production uncertainty. These power and ramp requirements can be obtained from wind forecast information. The model … Read more

Tight MIP Formulations of the Power-Based Unit Commitment Problem

This paper provides the convex hull description for the basic operation of slow- and quick-start units in power-based unit commitment (UC) problems. The basic operating constraints that are modeled for both types of units are: 1) generation limits and 2) minimum up and down times. Apart from this, the startup and shutdown processes are also … Read more