Numerical Issues and Influences in the Design of Algebraic Modeling Languages for Optimization

This paper draws from our experience in developing the AMPL modeling language, to show where numerical issues have been crucial to modeling language design and where modeling language advances have strongly influenced the design of solvers. CitationProceedings of the 20th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Dundee, Scotland, D.F. Griffiths and G.A. Watson, eds., University of … Read more

Extending an Algebraic Modeling Language to Support Constraint Programming

We describe extensions to algebraic modeling languages and their solver interfaces that will be needed to take advantage of constraint programming solvers, particularly in the area of combinatorial optimization. CitationTechnical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University (2001); based on a shorter version that appeared in the Proceedings of the Third International … Read more

Symbolic-Algebraic Computations in a Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming

AMPL is a language and environment for expressing and manipulating mathematical programming problems, i.e., minimizing or maximizing an algebraic objective function subject to algebraic constraints. AMPL permits separating a model, i.e., a symbolic representation of a class of problems, from the data required to specify a particular problem instance. Once AMPL has a problem instance, … Read more