How Stringent is the Linear Independence Kink Qualification in Abs-Smooth Optimization?

Abs-smooth functions are given by compositions of smooth functions and the evaluation of the absolute value. The linear independence kink qualification (LIKQ) is a fundamental assumption in optimization problems governed by these abs-smooth functions, generalizing the well-known LICQ from smooth optimization. In particular, provided that LIKQ holds it is possible to derive optimality conditions for … Read more

A Semismooth Conjugate Gradients Method — Theoretical Analysis

In large scale applications, deterministic and stochastic variants of Cauchy’s steepest descent method are widely used for the minimization of objectives that are only piecewise smooth. In this paper we analyse a  deterministic descent method based on the generalization of rescaled conjugate gradients proposed by Philip Wolfe in 1975 for objectives that are convex. Without … Read more