Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Programming in CasADi

We present an extension of the CasADi numerical optimization framework that allows arbitrary order NLP sensitivities to be calculated automatically and efficiently. The approach, which can be used together with any NLP solver available in CasADi, is based on a sparse QR factorization and an implementation of a primal-dual active set method. The whole toolchain … Read more

CasADi – A software framework for nonlinear optimization and optimal control

We present CasADi, an open-source software framework for numerical optimization. CasADi is a general-purpose tool that can be used to model and solve optimization problems with a large degree of flexibility, larger than what is associated with popular algebraic modeling languages such as AMPL, GAMS, JuMP or Pyomo. Of special interest are problems constrained by … Read more