Sequencing and Scheduling in Coil Coating with Shuttles

We consider a complex planning problem in integrated steel production. A sequence of coils of sheet metal needs to be color coated in consecutive stages. Di erent coil geometries and changes of coatings may necessitate time-consuming setup work. In most coating stages one can choose between two parallel color tanks in order to reduce setup times. … Read more

Experiments with a Generic Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Integer Programs

We report on experiments with turning the branch-cut-and-price framework SCIP into a generic branch-cut-and-price solver. That is, given a mixed integer program (MIP), our code performs a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition according to the user’s specification, and solves the resulting re-formulation via branch-and-price. We take care of the column generation subproblems which are solved as MIPs themselves, … Read more

A branch-and-price algorithm for multi-mode resource leveling

Resource leveling is a variant of resource-constrained project scheduling in which a non-regular objective function, the resource availability cost, is to be minimized. We present a branch-and-price approach together with a new heuristic to solve the more general turnaround scheduling problem. Besides precedence and resource constraints, also availability periods and multiple modes per job have … Read more