Large-Scale Linear Programming Techniques for the Design of Protein Folding Potentials

We present large-scale optimization techniques to model the energy function that underlies the folding process of proteins. Linear Programming is used to identify parameters in the energy function model, the objective being that the model predict the structure of known proteins correctly. Such trained functions can then be used either for {\em ab-initio} prediction or … Read more

Improved linear programming bounds for antipodal spherical codes

Let $S\subset[-1,1)$. A finite set $C=\{x_i\}_{i=1}^M\subset\Re^n$ is called a {\em spherical S-code} if $||x_i||=1$ for each $i$, and $x_i^T x_j\in S$, $i\ne j$. For $S=[-1,.5]$ maximizing $M=|C|$ is commonly referred to as the {\em kissing number} problem. A well-known technique based on harmonic analysis and linear programming can be used to bound $M$. We consider … Read more