The Edge-based Contiguous p-median Problem with Connections to Logistics Districting

This paper introduces the edge-based contiguous p-median (ECpM) problem to partition the roads in a network into a given number of compact and contiguous territories. Two binary programming models are introduced, both of which incorporate a network distance. The first model requires an exponential number of cut set-based constraints to model contiguity; it is paired … Read more

Political districting to optimize the Polsby-Popper compactness score with application to voting rights

In the academic literature and in expert testimony, the Polsby-Popper score is the most popular way to measure the compactness of a political district. Given a district with area \(A\) and perimeter \(P\), its Polsby-Popper score is given by \( (4 \pi A)/P^2\). This score takes values between zero and one, with circular districts achieving … Read more