Lower bounds on matrix factorization ranks via noncommutative polynomial optimization

We use techniques from (tracial noncommutative) polynomial optimization to formulate hierarchies of semidefinite programming lower bounds on matrix factorization ranks. In particular, we consider the nonnegative rank, the positive semidefinite rank, and their symmetric analogues: the completely positive rank and the completely positive semidefinite rank. We study the convergence properties of our hierarchies, compare them … Read more

Bounds on entanglement dimensions and quantum graph parameters via noncommutative polynomial optimization

In this paper we study bipartite quantum correlations using techniques from tracial polynomial optimization. We construct a hierarchy of semidefinite programming lower bounds on the minimal entanglement dimension of a bipartite correlation. This hierarchy converges to a new parameter: the minimal average entanglement dimension, which measures the amount of entanglement needed to reproduce a quantum … Read more