User manual of NewtBracket: “A Newton-Bracketing method for a simple conic optimization problem” with applications to QOPs in binary variables

We describe the Matlab package NewtBracket for solving a simple conic optimization problem that minimizes a linear objective function subject to a single linear equality constraint and a convex cone constraint. The problem is converted into the problem of finding the largest zero $y^*$ of a continuously differentiable (except at $y^*$) convex function $g : … Read more

A Newton-bracketing method for a simple conic optimization problem

For the Lagrangian-DNN relaxation of quadratic optimization problems (QOPs), we propose a Newton-bracketing method to improve the performance of the bisection-projection method implemented in BBCPOP [to appear in ACM Tran. Softw., 2019]. The relaxation problem is converted into the problem of finding the largest zero $y^*$ of a continuously differentiable (except at $y^*$) convex function … Read more