Efficient Distributed Optimization: ZoPro Algorithm for Consensus Convergence

This paper considers a consensus optimization problem, where all the nodes in a network, with access to the zeroth-order information of its local objective function only, attempt to cooperatively achieve a common minimizer of the sum of their local objectives. To address this problem, we develop \texttt{ZoPro}, a zeroth-order proximal algorithm, which incorporates a zeroth-order … Read more

Inexact proximal stochastic second-order methods for nonconvex composite optimization

In this paper, we propose a framework of Inexact Proximal Stochastic Second-order (IPSS) methods for solving nonconvex optimization problems, whose objective function consists of an average of finitely many, possibly weakly, smooth functions and a convex but possibly nons- mooth function. At each iteration, IPSS inexactly solves a proximal subproblem constructed by using some positive … Read more

Inexact Successive Quadratic Approximation for Regularized Optimization

Successive quadratic approximations, or second-order proximal methods, are useful for minimizing functions that are a sum of a smooth part and a convex, possibly nonsmooth part that promotes regularization. Most analyses of iteration complexity focus on the special case of proximal gradient method, or accelerated variants thereof. There have been only a few studies of … Read more