We propose a new first-order augmented Lagrangian algorithm ALCC for solving convex conic programs of the form min{rho(x)+gamma(x): Ax-b in K, x in chi}, where rho and gamma are closed convex functions, and gamma has a Lipschitz continuous gradient, A is mxn real matrix, K is a closed convex cone, and chi is a “simple” convex compact set such that optimization problems of the form min{rho(x)+|x-x0|_2^2: x in chi} can be efficiently solved for any given x0. We show that any limit point of the primal ALCC iterates is an optimal solution of the conic convex problem, and the dual ALCC iterates have a unique limit point that is a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point of the conic program. We also show that for any epsilon>0, the primal ALCC iterates are epsilon feasible and epsilon-optimal after O(log(1/epsilon)) iterations which require solving O(1/epsilon log(1/epsilon)) problems of the form min{rho(x)+|x-x0|_2^2: x in chi}.