A Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Bound-Constrained Nonsmooth Optimization

We consider the problem of minimizing a continuous function that may be nonsmooth and nonconvex, subject to bound constraints. We propose an algorithm that uses the L-BFGS quasi-Newton approximation of the problem’s curvature together with a variant of the weak Wolfe line search. The key ingredient of the method is an active-set selection strategy that defines the subspace in which search directions are computed. To overcome the inherent shortsightedness of the gradient for a nonsmooth function, we propose two strategies. The first relies on an approximation of the $\epsilon$-minimum norm subgradient, and the second uses an iterative corrective loop that augments the active set based on the resulting search directions. We describe a Python implementation of the proposed algorithm and present numerical results on a set of standard test problems to illustrate the efficacy of our approach.


