Extended Triangle Inequalities for Nonconvex Box-Constrained Quadratic Programming

Let Box_n = {x in R^n : 0<= x <= e }, and let QPB_n denote the convex hull of {(1, x’)'(1, x’) : x  in Box_n}. The quadratic programming problem min{x’Q x + q’x : x in Box_n} where Q is not positive semidefinite (PSD), is equivalent to a linear optimization problem over QPB_n … Read more

The Rectangular Spiral or the n_1 × n_2 × · · · × n_k Points Problem

A generalization of Ripà’s square spiral solution for the n × n × ··· × n Points Upper Bound Problem. Additionally, we provide a non-trivial lower bound for the k-dimensional n_1 × n_2 × ··· × n_k Points Problem. In this way, we can build a range in which, with certainty, all the best possible … Read more

Complexity results and active-set identification of a derivative-free method for bound-constrained problems

In this paper, we analyze a derivative-free line search method designed for bound-constrained problems. Our analysis demonstrates that this method exhibits a worst-case complexity comparable to other derivative-free methods for unconstrained and linearly constrained problems. In particular, when minimizing a function with $n$ variables, we prove that at most ${\cal O}(n\epsilon^{-2})$ iterations are needed to … Read more

Complexity of Adagrad and other first-order methods for nonconvex optimization problems with bounds constraints

A parametric class of trust-region algorithms for constrained nonconvex optimization is analyzed, where the objective function is never computed. By defining appropriate first-order stationarity criteria, we are able to extend the Adagrad method to the newly considered problem and retrieve the standard complexity rate of the projected gradient method that uses both the gradient and … Read more

Model Construction for Convex-Constrained Derivative-Free Optimization

We develop a new approximation theory for linear and quadratic interpolation models, suitable for use in convex-constrained derivative-free optimization (DFO). Most existing model-based DFO methods for constrained problems assume the ability to construct sufficiently accurate approximations via interpolation, but the standard notions of accuracy (designed for unconstrained problems) may not be achievable by only sampling … Read more

Exploring Nonlinear Distance Metrics for Lipschitz Constant Estimation in Lower Bound Construction for Global Optimization

Bounds play a crucial role in guiding optimization algorithms, improving their speed and quality, and providing optimality gaps. While Lipschitz constant-based lower bound construction is an effective technique, the quality of the linear bounds depends on the function’s topological properties. In this research, we improve upon this by incorporating nonlinear distance metrics and surrogate approximations … Read more

Full-low evaluation methods for bound and linearly constrained derivative-free optimization

Derivative-free optimization (DFO) consists in finding the best value of an objective function without relying on derivatives. To tackle such problems, one may build approximate derivatives, using for instance finite-difference estimates. One may also design algorithmic strategies that perform space exploration and seek improvement over the current point. The first type of strategy often provides … Read more

Heuristic methods for noisy derivative-free bound-constrained mixed-integer optimization

This paper discusses MATRS, a new matrix adaptation trust region strategy for solving noisy derivative-free mixed-integer optimization problems with simple bounds.  MATRS repeatedly cycles through five phases, mutation, selection, recombination, trust-region, and mixed-integer in this order. But if in the mutation phase a new best point (point with lowest inexact function value among all evaluated … Read more

An active set method for bound-constrained optimization

In this paper, a class of algorithms is developed for bound-constrained optimization. The new scheme uses the gradient-free line search along bent search paths. Unlike traditional algorithms for bound-constrained optimization, our algorithm ensures that the reduced gradient becomes arbitrarily small. It is also proved that all strongly active variables are found and fixed after finitely … Read more

On Exact and Inexact RLT and SDP-RLT Relaxations of Quadratic Programs with Box Constraints

Quadratic programs with box constraints involve minimizing a possibly nonconvex quadratic function subject to lower and upper bounds on each variable. This is a well-known NP-hard problem that frequently arises in various applications. We focus on two convex relaxations, namely the RLT (Reformulation-Linearization Technique) relaxation and the SDP-RLT relaxation obtained by adding semidefinite constraints to … Read more