BBCPOP: A Sparse Doubly Nonnegative Relaxation of Polynomial Optimization Problems with Binary, Box and Complementarity Constraints

The software package BBCPOP is a MATLAB implementation of a hierarchy of sparse doubly nonnegative (DNN) relaxations of a class of polynomial optimization (minimization) problems (POPs) with binary, box and complementarity (BBC) constraints. Given a POP in the class and a relaxation order, BBCPOP constructs a simple conic optimization problem (COP), which serves as a DNN relaxation of the POP, and then solves the COP by applying the bisection and projection (BP) method. The COP is expressed with a linear objective function and constraints described as a single hyperplane and two cones, which are the Cartesian product of positive semidefinite cones and a polyhedral cone induced from the BBC constraints. BBCPOP aims to compute a tight lower bound for the optimal value of a large-scale POP in the class that is beyond the comfort zone of existing software packages. The robustness, reliability and efficiency of BBCPOP are demonstrated in comparison to the state-of-the-art software SDP package SDPNAL+ on randomly generated sparse POPs of degree 2 and 3 with up to a few thousands variables, and ones of degree 4, 5, 6. and 8 with up to a few hundred variables. Comparison with other BBC POPs that arise from combinatorial optimization problems such as quadratic assignment problems are also reported. The software package BBCPOP is available at




