An algorithm for solving nonconvex smooth optimization problems is proposed, analyzed, and tested. The algorithm is an extension of the Trust Region Algorithm with Contractions and Expansions (TRACE) [Math. Prog. 162(1):132, 2017]. In particular, the extension allows the algorithm to use inexact solutions of the arising subproblems, which is an important feature for solving large-scale problems. Inexactness is allowed in a manner such that the optimal iteration complexity of ${\cal O}(\epsilon^{-3/2})$ for attaining an $\epsilon$-approximate first-order stationary point is maintained while the worst-case complexity in terms of Hessian-vector products may be significantly improved as compared to the original TRACE. Numerical experiments show the benefits of allowing inexact subproblem solutions and that the algorithm compares favorably to a state-of-the-art technique.
Lehigh ISE COR@L Technical Report 22T-006