Superlinear convergence of an interior point algorithm on linear semi-definite feasibility problems

In the literature, besides the assumption of strict complementarity, superlinear convergence of implementable polynomial-time interior point algorithms using known search directions, namely, the HKM direction, its dual or the NT direction, to solve semi-definite programs (SDPs) is shown by (i) assuming that the given SDP is nondegenerate and making modifications to these algorithms [10], or (ii) considering special classes of SDPs, such as the class of linear semi-definite feasibility problems (LSDFPs) and requiring the initial iterate to the algorithm to satisfy certain conditions [26, 27]. Otherwise, these algorithms are not easy to implement even though they are shown to have polynomial iteration complexities and superlinear convergence [14]. The conditions in [26, 27] that the initial iterate to the algorithm is required to satisfy to have superlinear convergence when solving LSDFPs however are not practical. In this paper, we propose a practical initial iterate to an implementable infeasible interior point algorithm that guarantees superlinear convergence when the algorithm is used to solve the homogeneous feasibility model of an LSDFP.



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