The increasing penetration of renewable energy into power systems necessitates the development of effective methodologies to integrate initially disconnected generation sources into the grid. This paper introduces the Longest Shortest-Path-Connection (LSPC) algorithm, a graph-based method to enhance the mixed-integer linear programming disjunctive formulation of Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) using valid inequalities (VIs). Traditional approaches for determining big-M coefficients in disconnected TEP networks typically rely on solving the computationally intensive Longest Path Problem (LPP). In contrast, LSPC circumvents these limitations by efficiently identifying relevant power flow paths between disconnected buses within the expansion network. We demonstrate that the VIs generated from these identified paths dominate those derived from LPP-based methods and other existing approaches.
B. Jabbari and A. R. Escobedo, “Polynomial-time algorithms for setting tight big-m coefficients in transmission expansion planning with disconnected buses,” Optimization Online, 2024, preprint. [Online]. Available: