Robust optimization based EV charging

With the introduction of new technologies like electric vehicles and smart grids the operation and planning of power systems are subject to major changes. These technologies can bring various ftexibilities to different entities involved in decision making. This paper proposes a robust optimization based method to optimal charging/discharging of electric vehicles conĀ­ sidering the electricity price uncertainties. The objective function is defined as the total operating costs of energy procurement in distribution networks which is tried to be minimized while considering the technical constraints of the problem.


Soroudi, Alireza; Keane, Andrew, "Robust optimization based EV charging," Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), 2014 IEEE International , vol., no., pp.1,6, 17-19 Dec. 2014 doi: 10.1109/IEVC.2014.7056223 URL:



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