Multi-Row Intersection Cuts based on the Infinity Norm

When generating multi-row intersection cuts for Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization problems, an important practical question is deciding which intersection cuts to use. Even when restricted to cuts that are facet-defining for the corner relaxation, the number of potential candidates is still very large, specially for instances of large size. In this paper, we introduce a subset … Read more

The (not so) Trivial Lifting in Two Dimensions

When generating cutting-planes for mixed-integer programs from multiple rows of the simplex tableau, the usual approach has been to relax the integrality of the non-basic variables, compute an intersection cut, then strengthen the cut coefficients corresponding to integral non-basic variables using the so-called trivial lifting procedure. Although of polynomial-time complexity in theory, this lifting procedure … Read more

Intersection Cuts for Single Row Corner Relaxations

We consider the problem of generating inequalities that are valid for one-row relaxations of a simplex tableau, with the integrality constraints preserved for one or more non-basic variables. These relaxations are interesting because they can be used to generate cutting planes for general mixed-integer problems. We first consider the case of a single non-basic integer … Read more