A sparse semismooth Newton based augmented Lagrangian method for large-scale support vector machines

Support vector machines (SVMs) are successful modeling and prediction tools with a variety of applications. Previous work has demonstrated the superiority of the SVMs in dealing with the high dimensional, low sample size problems. However, the numerical difficulties of the SVMs will become severe with the increase of the sample size. Although there exist many … Read more

Block Coordinate Descent Almost Surely Converges to a Stationary Point Satisfying the Second-order Necessary Condition

Given a non-convex twice continuously differentiable cost function with Lipschitz continuous gradient, we prove that all of the block coordinate gradient descent, block mirror descent and proximal block coordinate descent methods converge to stationary points satisfying the second-order necessary condition, almost surely with random initialization. All our results are ascribed to the center-stable manifold theorem … Read more