A Robust Gradient Sampling Algorithm for Nonsmooth, Nonconvex Optimization

Let $f$ be a continuous function on $\Rl^n$, and suppose $f$ is continuously differentiable on an open dense subset. Such functions arise in many applications, and very often minimizers are points at which $f$ is not differentiable. Of particular interest is the case where $f$ is not convex, and perhaps not even locally Lipschitz, but … Read more

Variational Analysis of the Abscissa Mapping for Polynomials

The abscissa mapping on the affine variety $M_n$ of monic polynomials of degree $n$ is the mapping that takes a monic polynomial to the maximum of the real parts of its roots. This mapping plays a central role in the stability theory of matrices and dynamical systems. It is well known that the abscissa mapping … Read more

Variational Analysis of Non-Lipschitz Spectral Functions

We consider spectral functions $f \circ \lambda$, where $f$ is any permutation-invariant mapping from $\Cx^n$ to $\Rl$, and $\lambda$ is the eigenvalue map from the set of $n \times n$ complex matrices to $\Cx^n$, ordering the eigenvalues lexicographically. For example, if $f$ is the function “maximum real part CitationMath. Programming 90 (2001), pp. 317-352

Optimal Stability and Eigenvalue Multiplicity

We consider the problem of minimizing over an affine set of square matrices the maximum of the real parts of the eigenvalues. Such problems are prototypical in robust control and stability analysis. Under nondegeneracy conditions, we show that the multiplicities of the active eigenvalues at a critical matrix remain unchanged under small perturbations of the … Read more

Optimizing Matrix Stability

Given an affine subspace of square matrices, we consider the problem of minimizing the spectral abscissa (the largest real part of an eigenvalue). We give an example whose optimal solution has Jordan form consisting of a single Jordan block, and we show, using nonlipschitz variational analysis, that this behaviour persists under arbitrary small perturbations to … Read more

Approximating Subdifferentials by Random Sampling of Gradients

Many interesting real functions on Euclidean space are differentiable almost everywhere. All Lipschitz functions have this property, but so, for example, does the spectral abscissa of a matrix (a non-Lipschitz function). In practice, the gradient is often easy to compute. We investigate to what extent we can approximate the Clarke subdifferential of such a function … Read more