Linearization and Parallelization Schemes for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization

We develop and test linearization and parallelization schemes for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming. Several linearization approaches are proposed for LP/NLP based branch-and-bound. Some of these approaches strengthen the linear approximation to nonlinear constraints at the root node and some at the other branch-and-bound nodes. Two of the techniques are specifically applicable to commonly found univariate … Read more

A Method for Convex Black-Box Integer Global Optimization

We study the problem of minimizing a convex function on the integer lattice when the function cannot be evaluated at noninteger points. We propose a new underestimator that does not require access to (sub)gradients of the objective but, rather, uses secant linear functions that interpolate the objective function at previously evaluated points. These linear mappings … Read more