Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization with Heterogeneous Data Sources

We study decision problems under uncertainty, where the decision-maker has access to K data sources that carry biased information about the underlying risk factors. The biases are measured by the mismatch between the risk factor distribution and the K data-generating distributions with respect to an optimal transport (OT) distance. In this situation the decision-maker can … Read more

A Geometric Unification of Distributionally Robust Covariance Estimators: Shrinking the Spectrum by Inflating the Ambiguity Set

The state-of-the-art methods for estimating high-dimensional covariance matrices all shrink the eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix towards a data-insensitive shrinkage target. The underlying shrinkage transformation is either chosen heuristically – without compelling theoretical justification – or optimally in view of restrictive distributional assumptions. In this paper, we propose a principled approach to construct covariance … Read more

End-to-End Learning for Stochastic Optimization: A Bayesian Perspective

We develop a principled approach to end-to-end learning in stochastic optimization. First, we show that the standard end-to-end learning algorithm admits a Bayesian interpretation and trains a posterior Bayes action map. Building on the insights of this analysis, we then propose new end-to-end learning algorithms for training decision maps that output solutions of empirical risk … Read more