Optimization over the Efficient Set of a Bicriteria Convex Programming Problem

The problem of optimizing a real function over the efficient set of a multiple objective programming problem arises in a variety of applications. In this article, we propose an outer approximation algorithm for maximizing a function $h(x) = \varphi(f(x))$ over the efficient set $X_E$ of the bi-criteria convex programming problem $ {\rm Vmin} \{f(x)=(f_1(x), f_2(x))^T … Read more

An Outcome Space Algorithm for Minimizing the Product of Two Convex Functions over a Convex Set

This paper presents an outcome-space outer approximation algorithm for solving the problem of minimizing the product of two convex functions over a compact convex set in $\R^n$. The computational experiences are reported. The proposed algorithm is convergent. ArticleDownload View PDF

Outcome-Space Outer Approximation Algorithm for Linear Multiplicative Programming

This paper presents an outcome-space outer approximation algorithm for globally solving the linear multiplicative programming problem. We prove that the proposed algorithm is finite. To illustrate the new algorithm, we apply it to solve some sample problems. Citation10, Hanoi University of Technology, 07/2007ArticleDownload View PDF