Proximity results in convex mixed-integer programming

We study proximity (resp. integrality gap), that is, the distance (resp. difference) between the optimal solutions (resp. optimal values) of convex integer programs (IP) and the optimal solutions (resp. optimal values) of their continuous relaxations. We show that these values can be upper bounded in terms of the recession cone of the feasible region of … Read more

Graver basis and proximity techniques for block-structured separable convex integer minimization problems

We consider N-fold 4-block decomposable integer programs, which simultaneously generalize N-fold integer programs and two-stage stochastic integer programs with N scenarios. In previous work [R. Hemmecke, M. Koeppe, R. Weismantel, A polynomial-time algorithm for optimizing over N-fold 4-block decomposable integer programs, Proc. IPCO 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6080, Springer, 2010, pp. 219–229], … Read more