Branch-and-Bound Performance Estimation Programming: A Unified Methodology for Constructing Optimal Optimization Methods

We present the Branch-and-Bound Performance Estimation Programming (BnB-PEP), a unified methodology for constructing optimal first-order methods for convex and nonconvex optimization. BnB-PEP poses the problem of finding the optimal optimization method as a nonconvex but practically tractable quadratically constrained quadratic optimization problem and solves it to certifiable global optimality using a customized branch-and-bound algorithm. By directly confronting the nonconvexity, BnB-PEP offers significantly more flexibility and removes the many limitations of the prior methodologies. Our customized branch-and-bound algorithm, through exploiting specific problem structures, outperforms the latest off-the-shelf implementations by orders of magnitude, accelerating the solution time from hours to seconds and weeks to minutes. We apply BnB-PEP to several setups for which the prior methodologies do not apply and obtain methods with bounds that improve upon prior state-of-the-art results. Finally, we use the BnB-PEP methodology to find proofs with potential function structures, thereby systematically generating analytical convergence proofs.



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