Robust Production Management

The problem of production management can often be cast in the form of a linear program with uncertain parameters and risk constraints. Typically, such problems are treated in the framework of multi-stage Stochastic Programming. Recently, a Robust Counterpart (RC) approach has been proposed, in which the decisions are optimized for the worst realizations of problem … Read more

Sensitivity analysis and calibration of the covariance matrix for stable portfolio selection

We recommend an implementation of the Markowitz problem to generate stable portfolios with respect to perturbations of the problem parameters. The stability is obtained proposing novel calibrations of the covariance matrix between the returns that can be cast as convex or quasiconvex optimization problems. A statistical study as well as a sensitivity analysis of the … Read more

Robust mid-term power generation management

We consider robust formulations of the mid-term optimal power management problem. For this type of problems, classical approaches minimize the expected generation cost over a horizon of one year, and model the uncertain future by means of scenario trees. In this setting, extreme scenarios -with low probability in the scenario tree- may fail to be … Read more

Mean and covariance matrix adaptive estimation for a weakly stationary process. Application in stochastic optimization.

We introduce an adaptive algorithm to estimate the uncertain parameter of a stochastic optimization problem. The procedure estimates the one-step-ahead means, variances and covariances of a random process in a distribution-free and multidimensional framework when these means, variances and covariances are slowly varying on a given past interval. The quality of the approximate problem obtained … Read more

Sampling-based decomposition methods for multistage stochastic programs based on extended polyhedral risk measures

We define a risk averse nonanticipative feasible policy for multistage stochastic programs and propose a methodology to implement it. The approach is based on dynamic programming equations written for a risk averse formulation of the problem. This formulation relies on a new class of multiperiod risk functionals called extended polyhedral risk measures. Dual representations of … Read more

The value of rolling horizon policies for risk-averse hydro-thermal planning

We consider the optimal management of a hydro-thermal power system in the mid and long terms. From the optimization point of view, this amounts to a large-scale multistage stochastic linear program, often solved by combining sampling with decomposition algorithms, like stochastic dual dynamic programming. Such methodologies, however, may entail prohibitive computational time, especially when applied … Read more

Risk averse feasible policies for large-scale multistage stochastic linear programs

We consider risk-averse formulations of stochastic linear programs having a structure that is common in real-life applications. Specifically, the optimization problem corresponds to controlling over a certain horizon a system whose dynamics is given by a transition equation depending affinely on an interstage dependent stochastic process. We put in place a rolling-horizon time consistent policy. … Read more