Efficient Distributed Optimization: ZoPro Algorithm for Consensus Convergence

This paper considers a consensus optimization problem, where all the nodes in a network, with access to the zeroth-order information of its local objective function only, attempt to cooperatively achieve a common minimizer of the sum of their local objectives. To address this problem, we develop \texttt{ZoPro}, a zeroth-order proximal algorithm, which incorporates a zeroth-order … Read more

On Nonconvex Decentralized Gradient Descent

Consensus optimization has received considerable attention in recent years. A number of decentralized algorithms have been proposed for {convex} consensus optimization. However, to the behaviors or consensus \emph{nonconvex} optimization, our understanding is more limited. When we lose convexity, we cannot hope our algorithms always return global solutions though they sometimes still do sometimes. Somewhat surprisingly, … Read more

Decentralized Consensus Optimization with Asynchrony and Delays

We propose an asynchronous, decentralized algorithm for consensus optimization. The algorithm runs over a network in which the agents communicate with their neighbors and perform local computation. In the proposed algorithm, each agent can compute and communicate independently at different times, for different durations, with the information it has even if the latest information from … Read more