On the longest chain of faces of the completely positive and copositive cones

We consider a wide class of closed convex cones K in the space of real n*n symmetric matrices and establish the existence of a chain of faces of K, the length of which is maximized at n(n+1)/2 + 1. Examples of such cones include, but are not limited to, the completely positive and the copositive … Read more

LP-based Tractable Subcones of the Semidefinite Plus Nonnegative Cone

The authors in a previous paper devised certain subcones of the semidefinite plus nonnegative cone and showed that satisfaction of the requirements for membership of those subcones can be detected by solving linear optimization problems (LPs) with $O(n)$ variables and $O(n^2)$ constraints. They also devised LP-based algorithms for testing copositivity using the subcones. In this … Read more

Facial Reduction and Partial Polyhedrality

We present FRA-Poly, a facial reduction algorithm (FRA) for conic linear programs that is sensitive to the presence of polyhedral faces in the cone. The main goals of FRA and FRA-Poly are the same, i.e., finding the minimal face containing the feasible region and detecting infeasibility, but FRA-Poly treats polyhedral constraints separately. This idea enables … Read more

Solving large scale problems over the doubly nonnegative cone

The recent approach of solving large scale semidefinite programs with a first order method by minimizing an augmented primal-dual function is extended to doubly nonnegative programs. Regularity of the augmented primal-dual function is established under the condition of uniqueness and strict complementarity. The application to the doubly nonnegative cone is motivated by the fact that … Read more